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  • Writer's pictureNikolaos Anastasopoulos

The Balancing Act: Thriving as an Agency Owner and a Human

Let's be honest, running an agency can be like conducting a symphony orchestra while simultaneously juggling flaming torches – it's exhilarating, but it can also be downright exhausting.

As agency owners, we're constantly switching gears between client meetings, project management, creative brainstorms, and all the nitty-gritty admin that keeps the wheels turning. It's a thrilling ride, but without a solid strategy for managing time and responsibilities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and burnt out.

So, here's a little tip we've found works wonders at Oaks Digital: Embrace the power of separation.

Mornings: The Engine Room

Think of your mornings as the engine room of your day. This is where you tackle those essential tasks that keep the ship running smoothly. Client meetings, project check-ins, responding to urgent emails – get them done and dusted before lunch.

Afternoons: The Creative Haven

Once you've fueled up with a delicious lunch and maybe a quick run in the park, it's time to shift gears. Your afternoons are reserved for deep work – the kind that requires focus and creativity. Dive into those design projects, brainstorm marketing strategies, or immerse yourself in research. Buffer Zones: The Gentle Transitions

And then there's this thing called a of buffer zone. Create space in your mornings and evenings to ease into and out of work mode. Whether it's a book, a leisurely breakfast with your family, or a quiet evening stroll, these moments allow you to transition smoothly between your professional and personal life.

The Sabbath Reset

Finally, there's the Sabbath – your sacred day of rest. Whether it's Saturday or Sunday, make a conscious decision to unplug, recharge, and reconnect with what truly matters. Spend time with loved ones, pursue a hobby, or simply bask in the glorious African sunshine.

At Oaks Digital, we believe that balance isn't just a buzzword – it's essential for sustainable success. By strategically managing your time, prioritizing rest, and creating space for rejuvenation, you can navigate the exhilarating world of agency ownership with passion, purpose, and a whole lot of joy.



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